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"My Love Letter to TheraSpecs" (Jacqueline's Story)

"My Love Letter to TheraSpecs" (Jacqueline's Story)

Written by Greg Bullock on 9th Jun 2019

A key advantage of TheraSpecs is the overall reduction of symptomatic and pain-filled days—which, as a result, can greatly lessen the need for prescription medication. Not only are our glasses giving people their lives back, but they are doing so without the unpleasant side effects and other risks (such as medication overuse headache) of these drugs.

Jacqueline is one of those individuals who is enjoying this newfound freedom with TheraSpecs. However, for several years prior, she had been dealing with the struggles of constant migraine attacks and light sensitivity.

"Migraines have been a regular part of life for the last 11 years," she said. "They lay me out in bed for days, curtains drawn, silence observed as the slightest noise or light could bring me to sickness from the pain."

Unfortunately, these symptoms only worsened as she started to show signs of a condition known as myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS for short). No treatment seemed to work either, so Jacqueline turned to prescription painkillers in an effort to combat the intensity of these effects. But this often created additional consequences.

"I have damaged my body with the excessive pain killers I took to try and get a handle on them," she told us. "I normally haven’t been able to go more than 3 or 4 days at a time without taking a really strong codeine-based medication in at least two years. Before that, I spent almost a decade of my life creating a stomach ulcer from all the constant naproxen and Excedrin I took to constantly ward off the impending migraines."

It was not until she got her hands—and her eyes—on a pair of TheraSpecs that she began to learn what natural migraine relief felt like.

And in her first three weeks of wearing them, she has not experienced a single attack; the light and sound sensitivity, the headache-related pain, it has all melted away. Better yet, this also means that Jacqueline has not needed to take a single pill.

Audrey Indoor Blue TheraSpecs laying on ground
Jacqueline wearing her Audrey blue indoor TheraSpecs

"I've just gone three whole weeks without needing to take a single codeine, I’m simply amazed at the change." she said. "I have noticed my general sensitivity to light has improved greatly since wearing them. It’s such a great feeling to not feel like the light is hurting me anymore!"

She further described TheraSpecs as ‘muscle relaxers for her eyeballs’ in the way they limit the pain of bright lighting. She is able to open her curtains and uncover her lamps once again; she no longer has to live her life like a vampire. And now she cannot stop telling other people about TheraSpecs in hopes she can share some of the relief for those who need it.

"This is my love letter to TheraSpecs. I have already told three other chronic migraine sufferers about them and will tell everyone I can in the future because these are truly an amazing product! Who knew that simply wearing a special type of tinted [glasses] could reduce migraines so dramatically?"

We love hearing about your transformation, Jacqueline. Thank you for sharing your story with us and spreading the love for other migraine patients too.

TheraSpecs Glasses for Light Management

Try our light-filtering glasses and stay protected against harsh light from screens, fluorescents, LEDs, unwanted blue light, bright sunlight, flashing lights, and more.

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